What is color therapy?
What is color therapy? This article will look at defining color and what the physical and emotional benefits of each color are according to modern medicine.
Originally published on faciallounge.com
Color therapy dates back to Ancient Egyptians times where light and colors were used in different healing applications. Modern day medicine still recognizes color therapy as a powerful treatment for many ailments. Thankfully, research has broadened our knowledge and modern technologies have expanded the impact color therapy can have. Perhaps the best place to start is first defining what “color” is.
What is Color?
In essence, light is energy and colors are the interaction of energy and matter. In other words, as light reflects, bends and refracts through particles different colors are created. Humans are only able to see light at certain wavelengths (380nm – 780nm). The wavelengths that fall within this category are known as the visible spectrum. . Within this visible spectrum there are numerous electromagnetic frequencies. Each of these frequencies designates a specific color.
Each color maintains a specific wavelength, frequency and energy level. When we look at color as the field of energy that it actually is we can begin to understand how this energy can affect our physical bodies and mental emotions. An easy example of how light can affect us is Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Many are impacted by long winters with little to no sunlight and become irritable, unhappy and even depressed.
Just as colors maintain their own set wavelength, frequency and energy level, so too, do our organs, cells and atoms. Each organ has its optimal frequency or vibrational energy. When organs begin to deviate from these “healthy” frequencies they begin to function poorly and can become diseased.
Color Therapy is used to support healing of different areas of the body. A light source paired set to a specific frequency (AKA specific color) can be applied to specific organs, joints, glands, etc to address certain ailments. The electrical impulses or fields of energy emitted by each unique color can restore optimal energy levels to impaired organs and even improve hormonal and biochemical processes.
For example, red light therapy is frequently used in the beauty industry to even skin tone, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, increase collagen production and tighten skin. Red light therapy can also increase blood flow, quicken muscle recovery, repair soft tissue, speed healing, reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, stimulate new capillary formation and aide in activating the lymphatic system!
How can red light do this you might ask? Most of us are battling the constant onslaught of physical and emotional stress, not to mention the environmental stress from man-made toxins. As your body becomes overwhelmed from stress the efficiency of our cells decreases dramatically (less ATP production). As our cells become sluggish our overall energy levels drop, our healing slows down, skin becomes less vibrant and wrinkled.
Red light is able to penetrate the skin on a cellular level (8-10 millimeters deep). The frequency of red light dives into the body and stimulates mitochondrial function which, in turn, leads to increased ATP production. These vibrant, energy filled cells are then able to work at maximum efficiency leading to the many benefits listed above.
Color therapy is generally used in two ways: either through a light source applied directly to an area of the body or through the eyes. For supported healing of physical ailments colors are usually applied using a light to injured or diseased area. For example, a red light may be applied to an ankle post-surgery for decreased inflammation, pain reduction and rapid healing. Blue light is commonly shone on the face to reduce acne by killing bacteria.
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