Holistic lifestyle
Hi! I am Leigh Ann, passionate learner and writer. My goal in creating this holistic lifestyle blog is to share life changing information in a comprehensive yet digestible way.
With a background in Public Health and experience as a Research Assistant, I am committed to providing in-depth and trustworthy articles on relevant health topics. All of my health related articles are science-based with a full reference list at the end of each.
I have to express my gratitude that you are here now, experiencing my work. Thank you for taking the time to read what I have so passionateIy researched and written. I hope you discover truly transformational information!
Leigh Ann
Holistic lifestyle
Hi! I am Leigh Ann, passionate learner and writer. My goal in creating this holistic lifestyle blog is to share life changing information in a comprehensive yet digestible way.
With a background in Public Health and experience as a Research Assistant, I am committed to providing in-depth and trustworthy articles on relevant health topics. All of my health related articles are science-based with a full reference list at the end of each.
I have to express my gratitude that you are here now, experiencing my work. Thank you for taking the time to read what I have so passionateIy researched and written. I hope you discover truly transformational information!
Leigh Ann
The Accrescent Podcast
The Accrescent Podcast